We didn't pick up as much as the last few times but we still got quite a lot of yummy produce! Oh, and that's Abigail licking Mr. Marbles in the background. :)
- 2 bags of green beans
- 2 bags of other beans/peas (not really sure what type — sort of a cross between a snow pea and a snap pea)
- 4 asian eggplants
- 1 bunch leek
- small basket of cucumbers
- small basket of tomatoes
- 3 orange/yellow tomatoes
- 2 small heads red cabbage
- 2 bunches swiss chard
- 2 bunches tuscan kale
- 1 large zucchini
- 1 small basket of white onions
All those fresh veggies look fabulous! And the kitties in the background are just too precious!
I'm quite envious of your haul. Everything looks so fresh.
BTW, Mr. Marbles still looks huge!
I love the growing season here! :)
As for Mr. Marbles, he's more than twice the size & weight of Abigail. Abigail is only about 8lbs or 9lbs and he's 20lbs.
haha I love the cats in the backround...they are adorable!
I love the colors of all the fresh veggies!
What are your plans for all that lovely produce?
Wow! I am impressed, what a great haul of gorgeous food.
The cats are sooo cute in the back!
Thanks all!
The produce is almost all gone. This is what I made so far:
- Kale: oven roasted kale with soy sauce, sesame seed oil & agave nectar
- Swiss Chard: Sauteed with onion & garlic
- Tomatoes, Leek, Onion, Zucchini: Homemade tomato sauce with white beans over pasta (it didn't "look" great so no pic)
- Green Beans: oven roasted with soy sauce, sesame seed oil & agave
The red cabbage will probably be caramelised with onion. The other beans will probably just be sauteed and the cucumbers and rest of the tomatoes in a salad.
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