Perhaps my 5 readers are wondering what the fuck I've been eating for the past week. Well, we just moved to a new apartment so no cooking for the rest of the week. We're living off convenience foods like Soy Boy vegan ravioli, Amy's roasted vegetable pizza, fries and veggie burgers. perhaps I'll take a pic tomorrow anyway.
Here's Shadow... close up! And Annabel in the kitchen supervising.
Annabel, you're beautiful!
She looks like she's doing a great job. Soy Boy vegan ravioli sounds delish. What's in it?
The ravioli is here: http://www.soyboy.com/ravioli.htm
It's pretty good. Some people say it's bland but I haven't had ravioli in years, so I think it's fairly decent.
Oh, I just figured you were eating more gemelli noodles! :D
Looks like the move went well!
I think I might be gemelli-noodled-out for a little while!
The best part about the kitchen here? Gas stove! I haven't had a gas stove since I lived at my parents' many years ago.
wait, what?! i'm so out of the loop!
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